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AlphaGo: Computers and Game Playing: A Very Timely Lecture

Today (14:00, 07 Mar 2016 in F1A09 at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus) I am giving a two hour lecture on Computers and Game Playing. This lecture could not have come at a better time. At the end of January, Google’s DeepMind reported that AlphaGo had beaten the top European Go player (Fan Hui) […]

Can Artificial Intelligence be used in the Board Room?

Computers are knocking on the door of the company boardroom Graham Kendall, University of Nottingham While women sitting on company boards remains a much-discussed topic, there is something new waiting to take a seat at the table: artificial intelligence, computers with company voting rights. Deep Knowledge Ventures has appointed an algorithm called VITAL (Validating Investment […]

How to get ants to solve a chess problem

How to get ants to solve a chess problem By Graham Kendall, University of Nottingham Take a set of chess pieces and throw them all away except for one knight. Place the knight on any one of the 64 squares of a chess board. Can you make 63 legal moves so that you visit every […]


Welcome to my blog. Through this blog I’d like to discuss areas that are related to my research interests. I will post on an irregular basis as, I am guessing, that there will be more important things to do on many days but I hope to post regularly enough to make it worth visiting every […]