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Football Fixture Scheduling: Are all clashes equal?

In a paper published in JORS: Kendall G. (2008) Scheduling English Football Fixtures Over Holiday Periods. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(6), pages 743-755 (doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602382) I investigated if it was possible to produce superior fixtures for the Christmas/New Year Period with respect to minimising the distance that is traveled by supporters on two particular […]

Football Fixture Scheduling: Another Project

Over the past nine months or so I have been working with a local company who provides an online service to schedule various types of sporting events. They contacted me after seeing my contact details on wikipedia (which was a nice way to be contacted). The company need to produce double round robin tournaments but […]

General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS)

Yesterday (5th July 2009) I attended a workshop run by GAMS (run as part of the EURO 2009 conference – see previous post). They provide a piece of software called GAMS (General Algebraic Modeling System: http://www.gams.com) which enables an easy way to develop mathematical models and then solve them by calling various solvers (such as […]