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When Sports Rules Go Awry: How TheConversation led to a collaborative paper

Whilst looking through Conversation articles I came across an article entitled “When scoring an own-goal is the only way to win” by Liam Lenten. By coincidence, I had just read another article about an analysis of sporting rules from the perspecive of Operations Research, written by a good friend of mine – Mike Wright from […]

Football Fixture Scheduling: Are all clashes equal?

In a paper published in JORS: Kendall G. (2008) Scheduling English Football Fixtures Over Holiday Periods. Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59(6), pages 743-755 (doi:10.1057/palgrave.jors.2602382) I investigated if it was possible to produce superior fixtures for the Christmas/New Year Period with respect to minimising the distance that is traveled by supporters on two particular […]