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How can academics use Twitter effectively?

I have been using Twitter for a few years now, but it has been a while since I blogged on this topic. When I started tweeting I know that I would not be able to tweet every day, and weeks (or even months) could go by without me tweeting, and, to me, that would not […]

Informing publishers of my tweeting activities

In my previous posts on twitter I have been describing (in general terms, I will do some posts on some of the more technical aspects soon) how I have automated some of my tweets. The system, in brief, tweets scientific articles on a random basis – doing about twenty tweets a day. Each 24 hours, […]

Twitter: Identifying Potential Followers

In my previous twitter posts (you can see my series of Twitter posts here) I have discussed various things that I have done (or am thinking of doing) to try and get a twitter service up and running, where I tweet on a certain subject for 24 hours, and then I change to something else. […]

Twitter: Registrations are slow!

Following my last post (or take a look at all my Twtter posts here), my twitter system has been up and running for a few weeks now. Every day I switch domains and start tweeting about something else. The system seems to work well, although I have not had anybody register yet. However, I know […]

Beta Test for Twitter Service

In my last two posts (see here and here – or here for all my Twitter blogs) I outlined a few ideas I had for improving the twitter feeds that I have had running for about a year. The original idea was just to tweet every so often (about ten times a day), with each […]

Improved Automatic Tweeting

In my last post I set out a few ideas about some of the improvements (you can see my complete series of Twitter posts here) I was thinking about making to improve my twitter feed. In essence I was toying with the idea of tweeting on certain subjects for a 24 hour period. Over the […]

Improving/targeting my Twitter Feed

Some of you might subscribe to my twitter feed you’ll see that I tweet journal articles on a regular basis. In fact, at a recent conference, I was taken to task (in a nice way) about how could tweet so often and, more to the point, how I could have tweeted whilst giving a presentation! […]

Tweeting from PHP

For a while I have been looking at ways of tweeting regularly (you can see my series of Twitter posts here). Not to annoy people, but just to have a presence a few times a day. Of course, I hope the tweets are also informative. A quick google will find many tools that are available […]