Videos on the basics of Java
Whilst looking through youtube (see my previous posts – here and here – for why I am doing this), I have come across some very nice youtube videos on the basics of Java. A very nice series of videos by Jose Vidal starts from the the basics of Java:
Eclipse Java ‘Hello World’ Introduction Tutorial
… but moves quickly on to topics such as:
Java Wrapper Classes
Java Immutable Classes
Java Packages
Java Arrays
Java Expanding Array
Java Selection Sort
Java Multidimensional Array
Java Inheritance Tutorial
Java Polymorphism
Java Reading a CSV file
Java Reading and Writing Binary Files
Java Serializable interface: Reading and writing Objects to a file
Java Arraylist
Java HashSet HashMap Demonstration
Java Generics Tutorial
Java Iterators
Java Building your own Iterator using Inner Classes
Eclipse Tips and Tricks for Beginners Tutorial
Java Set: HashSet TreeSet LinkedHashSet
Jose has many other videos in his collection and if you find the above useful you should check out his youtube channel.
Other useful videos
As I have said before, there are many (many, many) youtube videos out there that can help teach the basics of Java. They are too numerous to list, but here are just a few that I have either found helpful, or that I plan to watch later (and I might just keep adding to this list so that all the videos I found useful are kept in one place).
In no particular order.
Iterators Part 1 (Java)
I realise that many of the topics above are very basic for a seasoned programmer but I think that there is also some advanced material there as well (e.g. inheritance, polymorphism, iterators etc.), so hopefully it will be of interest to a wide variety of people.
I can certainly say (from my own persepctive) that to get your head around this in MFC/VS/C++ would certainly be a lot mor work (for me anyway).
The football prediction project
You can read more about this project by looking at the posts for this football prediction project.
Interesting blog, Prof. Kendall, but one question: Why Java ? There are a number of good reasons for choosing Java, it being portable, well developed etc. But it is also (in IT time) rather old. I can think of more “modern” alternatives, like C# or Python. Did you consider these ?
Thanks for the comment. I did look at other options, although did not spend as much time as (perhaps) I should have. But I had done a “Hello’ World” in Java before, I really knew nothing about C# and I was also motivated by the fact that many other people I knew used Java.
So, perhaps the decision was not as reasoned as it could have been – but I had to make a decision and any one could be questioned.
There also seems to be a lot of support for Java and although I have a few books on my bookshelves I have not yet had to open one. I guess the same is true of other languages but, I suspect, that Java is more supported than the others?