Using ELO ratings for match result prediction in association football
I occasionally comment on a scientific paper that is of interest to me. This time, it was: Lars Magnus Hvattuma and Halvard ArntzenbĀ (20010) Using ELO ratings for match result prediction in association football, International Journal of Forecasting, 26(3), 460-470 (doi). This paper falls into the broader categories of Football, Forecasting and Sport, which I have […]
Odds-setters as forecasters: The case of English Football
I sometimes comment on a scientific paper that has caught my eye. This time, it was (comments on other papers are also available): David Forrest, John Goddard and Robert Simmons (2005) Odds-setters as forecasters: The case of English football, International Journal of Forecasting, 21(3), 551-564 (doi). This paper falls into the broader categories of Football, […]
A compound framework for sports results prediction: A football case study
The latest paper that caught my attention, that I thought I would comment on is (other publications I have commented are can be seen here). Byungho Min, Jinhyuck Kim, Chongyoun Choe, Hyeonsang Eom and R.I. (Bob) McKay (2008) A compound framework for sports results prediction: A football case study, Knowledge Based Systems, 21(7), 551-562 (doi). […]
Sports Forecasting: A Comparison of the Forecast Accuracy of Prediction Markets, Betting Odds and Tipsters
In some of my posts I comment on a scientific paper that has caught my eye. There is no particular reason for the papers that I choose, they are just of interest to me. In this post, the paper that caught my eye was (comments on other papers can be seen here). Martin Spann and […]
Can Forecasters Forecast Successfully?: Evidence from UK Betting Markets
I am occasionally blog on a paper that is of interest. Well, of interest to me. The latest paper to catch my eye is (other papers I have commented on can be seen here). Leighton Vaughan Williams (2000) Can Forecasters Forecast Successfully?: Evidence from UK Betting Markets, Journal of Forecasting, 19(6), 505-513 (doi). The reason […]