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I have just returned (well returning actually – I am at the airport) from the INFORMS conference in Buenos Aires. In fact, we stayed on a few days and a very good colleague of mine is Argentinian and we toured round the North of the country. The highlight, undoubtedly, being Iguazu Falls. They are spectacular (see picture for just a small part of the falls).

This is only the second INFORMS conference I have been two (the previous one was in Puerto Rico in 2007). I find them very good.
The tutorials are especially useful and the one by Mike Trick on Benders Approach for Hard Problems was particularly beneficial. At the time of writing, the powerpoint slides for this presentation we available from Mike’s web site (PPTX and PPT). If I can ever get my head around the ideas underlying Bender’s approach, I can see this being a very useful technique for a variety of problems.