Graham Kendall
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Professor Graham Kendall

Professor Dr. Graham Kendall is the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Quality Assurnace, MILA University, Malaysia

Graham Kendall

: Papers in European Journal of Operational Research (ISSN: 0377-2217)



  1. Jiang, X.; Bai, R.; Ren, J.; Li, J. and Kendall, G. Lagrange Dual Bound Computation for Stochastic Service Network Design. In European Journal of Operational Research, 302 (3): 1097-1112, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Goh, S. L.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N. R. Improved local search approaches to solve the post enrolment course timetabling problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 261 (1): 17-29, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Kendall, G. and Lenten, L. J. A. When Sports Rules Go Awry. In European Journal of Operational Research, 257 (2): 377-394, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Qu, R. A honey-bee mating optimization algorithm for educational timetabling problems. In European Journal of Operational Research, 216 (3): 533-543, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Allen, S.D.; Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. A hybrid placement strategy for the three-dimensional strip packing problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 209 (3): 219-227, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Kahar, M.N.M. and Kendall, G. The examination timetabling problem at Universiti Malaysia Pahang: Comparison of a constructive heuristic with an existing software solution. In European Journal of Operational Research, 207 (2): 557-565, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A survey of surface mount device placement machine optimisation: Machine classification. In European Journal of Operational Research, 186 (3): 893-914, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hellier, R.; Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. Complete and robust no-fit polygon generation for the irregular stock cutting problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 179 (1): 27-49, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Dowsland, K. A.; Herbert, E.A.; Kendall, G. and Burke, E.K. Using tree search bounds to enhance a genetic algorithm approach to two rectangle packing problems. In European Journal of Operational Research, 168 (2): 390-402, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A triple objective function with a Chebychev dynamic pick-and-place point specification approach to optimise the surface mount placement machine. In European Journal of Operational Research, 164 (3): 609-626, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX