Graham Kendall
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Professor Graham Kendall

Professor Dr. Graham Kendall is the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research & Quality Assurnace, MILA University, Malaysia

Graham Kendall : All Publications



  1. Abdullah, A.; Ayob, M.; Lam, M. C.; Sabar, N. R.; Kendall, G. et al. Advancing Anaesthetist Rostering Quality: A Practical Approach Towards Fairness and Efficiency. In IEEE Access, In Press, 2025. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Abdullah, N.; Ayob, M.; Lam, M.C.; Sabar, N.R.; Kendall, G. et al. Optimization Techniques for Physician Scheduling Problem: A Systematic Review of Recent Advancements and Future Directions. In IEEE Access, 13: 520-5218, 2025. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Kendall, G. More Transparency is Needed When Citing h-Indexes, Journal Impact Factors and CiteScores. In Publishing Research Quarterly, 40 (1): 80-99, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Kendall, G. and Teixeira da Silva, J. A. Risks of abuse of large language models, like ChatGPT, in scientific publishing: Authorship, predatory publishing, and paper mills. In Learned Publishing, 37 (1): 55-62, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Abdellatif, A.; Mubarak, H.; Abdellatef, H.; Kanesan, J.; Abdelltif, Y. et al. Computational detection and interpretation of heart disease based on conditional variational auto-encoder and stacked ensemble-learning framework. In Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 88 (Part A): 105644, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kendall, G. Are open access fees a good use of tax payers money?. In Quantitative Science Studies, 5 (1): 264-270, 2024. pdf  BibTeX
  5. Siew, E.S.K.; Sze, S.N.; Goh, S.L.; Kendall, G.; Sabar, N.R. et al. A Survey of Solution Methodologies for Exam Timetabling Problems. In IEEE Access, 12: 41479-41498, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kendall, G. The OMICS Group and its agents: An evidence base. In Journal of Scholarly Publishing, 55 (2): 219-247, 2024. pdf  BibTeX
  7. Teixeira da Silva, J.A.; Nazarovets, S.; Daly, T. and Kendall, G. The Chinese Early Warning Journal List: Strengths, weaknesses and solutions in the light of China's global scientific rise. In The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50 (4): 102898, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Teixeira da Silva, J.A.; Daly, T.; Türp, J.C.; Sabel, B.A. and Kendall, G. The Undeclared use of third party service providers in academic publishing is unethical: A scoping review. In Naunyn-Schmiedeberg's Archives of Pharmacology, 397: 9435-9447, 2024. pdf  BibTeX
  9. Kendall, G When using Artificial Intelligence Tools in Scientific Publications Authors should include the Prompts and the Generated Text as Part of the Submission. In Journal of Academic Ethics, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Ngoo, C. M.; Goh, S. L.; Sze, S. N.; Sabar, N. R.; Hijazi, M. H. A. et al. A survey of mat-heuristics for combinatorial optimisation problems: Variants, trends and opportunities. In Applied Soft Computing, 164: 111947, 2024. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Bai, R.; Chen, X.; Chen, Z-L.; Cui, T.; Gong, S. et al. Analytics and machine learning in vehicle routing research. In International Journal of Production Research, 61 (1): 4-30, 2023. Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bai, R.; Chen, Z-L. and Kendall, G. Preface: Analytics and machine learning in vehicle routing research. In International Journal of Production Research, 61 (1): 1-3, 2023. Abstract BibTeX
  3. Teixeira da Silva, J. A. and Kendall, G. Academia should stop using Beall's Lists and reviews their use in previous studies. In Central Asian Journal of Medical Hypotheses and Ethics, 4 (1): 39-48, 2023. pdf  BibTeX
  4. Teixeira da Silva, J. A. and Kendall, G. (Mis-)Classification of 17,721 Journals by an Artificial Intelligence Predatory Journal Detector. In Publishing Research Quarterly, 39: 263-279, 2023. pdf  BibTeX
  5. Tsigaris, P.; Teixeira da Silva, J. A. and Kendall, G. What does ChatGPT advise about predatory publishing?. In Journal of Professional Nursing, 49: 188-189, 2023. pdf  BibTeX
  6. Loke, Z.X.; Goh, S.L.; Kendall, G.; Abdullah, S. and Sabar, N.R. Portfolio Optimization Problem: A Taxonomic Review of Solution Methodologies. In IEEE Access, 11: 33100-33120, 2023. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Sze, S. N.; Sabar, N.R; Abdullah, S. and Kendall, G. A 2-stage Approach for the Nurse Rostering Problem. In IEEE Access, 10: 69591-69604, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Jiang, X.; Bai, R.; Ren, J.; Li, J. and Kendall, G. Lagrange Dual Bound Computation for Stochastic Service Network Design. In European Journal of Operational Research, 302 (3): 1097-1112, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Sabar, N. R.; Goh, S.L.; Turky, A. and Kendall, G. Population-Based Iterated Local Search Approach for Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problems. In IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19 (4): 2933-2943, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Ngoo, C.M.; Goh, S.L.; Sze, S.N.; Sabar, N.R.; Abdullah, S. et al. A Survey of the Nurse Rostering Solution Methodologies: The State-of-the-Art and Emerging Trends. In IEEE Access, 10: 56504-56524, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G. Drawing Inspiration from the World of Fine Art in the Battle Against Predatory Publishing. In Publishing Research Quarterly, 38 (4): 683-707, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Li, J.; Cui, T. and Kendall, G. Equilibrium in a Bargaining Game of Two Sellers and Two Buyers. In Mathematics, 10 (15): 2705, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Kendall, G. and Linacre, S. Predatory Journals: Revisiting Beall's Research. In Publishing Research Quarterly, 38 (3): 530-543, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Razali, M.K.M.; Rahman, A.H.A.; Ayob, M.; Jarmin, R.; Qamar, F. et al. Research Trends in the Optimization of the Master Surgery Scheduling Problem. In IEEE Access, 10: 91466-91480, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Kendall, G. Would You Review Seven Papers a Day, Every Day, For a Year?. In Publishing Research Quarterly, 38 (3): 519-529, 2022. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Gunawan, A.; Kendall, G.; Lee, L.S.; McCollum, B. and Seow, H-V. Trends in Multi-Disciplinary Scheduling (Preface). In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72 (8): 1689-1690, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Gunawan, A.; Kendall, G.; Lee, L.S.; McCollum, B. and Seow, H-V. Vehicle routing: Review of benchmark datasets. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 72 (8): 1794-1807, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Jiang, X.; Bai, R.; Wallace, S. W.; Kendall, G. and Landa-Silva, D. Soft clustering-based scenario bundling for a progressive hedging heuristic in stochastic service network design. In Computers & Operations Research, 128: 105182, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kendall, G. Beall's legacy in the battle against predatory publishers. In Learned Publishing, 34 (3): 379-388, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G.; Chan, J.H.T.; Yeung, M.C.H. and Law, K.K. Do film festivals attract tourists?. In Current Issues in Tourism, 24: 1482-1486, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Lenten, L.J.A. and Kendall, G. Scholarly sports: Influence of social science academe on sports rulesLLand policy. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 73 (12): 2591-2601, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Tan, J. S.; Goh, S. L.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N. R. A survey of the state-of-the-art of optimisation methodologies in school timetabling problems. In Expert Systems with Applications, 165: 113943, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Tan, J. S.; Goh, S. L.; Sura, S.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N. R. Hybrid particle swarm optimization with particle elimination for the high school timetabling problem. In Evolutionary Intelligence, 14 (4): 1915-1930, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Chen, M.C.; Sze, S. N.; Goh, S.L; Sabar, N.R and Kendall, G. A Survey of University Course Timetabling Problem: Perspectives, Trends and Opportunities. In IEEE Access, 8: 1-1, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Kendall, G. Case Study: What Happens to a Journal after it Accepts a Spoof Paper?. In Publishing Research Quarterly, 37 (4): 600-611, 2021. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Arram, A.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Sulaiman, A. Bird Mating Optimizer for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. In IEEE Access, 8: 96845-96858, 2020. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Goh, S. L.; Kendall, G.; Sabar, N. R. and Abdullah, S. An effective hybrid local search approach for the post enrolment course timetabling problem. In OPSEARCH, 57: 1131-1163, 2020. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Mandal, A. K.; Kahar, M. N. M and Kendall, G. Addressing Examination Timetabling Problem Using a Partial Exams Approach in Constructive and Improvement. In Computation, 8 (2): 46, 2020. pdf  BibTeX
  4. Qu, R.; Kendall, G. and Pillay, N. The General Combinatorial Optimisation Problem: Towards Automated Algorithm Design. In IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 15 (2): 14-23, 2020. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Shindi, O.; Kanesan, J.; Kendall, G. and Ramanathan, A. The combined effect of optimal control and swarm intelligence on optimization of cancer chemotherapy. In Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 189, 2020. pdf  BibTeX


  1. Al-Salemi, B.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Moah, S.A.M. Multi-label Arabic text categorization: A benchmark and baseline comparison of multi-label learning algorithms. In Information Processing and Management, 56: 212-227, 2019. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Goh, S.L.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N.R. Simulated annealing with improved reheating and learning for the post enrolment course timetabling problem. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 70 (6): 873-888, 2019. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Goh, S.L.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N.S. Monte Carlo Tree Search in Finding Feasible Solutions for Course Timetabling Problem. In International Journal on Advanced Science Engineering Information Technology, 9 (6): 1936-1943, 2019. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Mustafa, H. M. J.; Ayob, M.; Nazri, M. Z. A and Kendall, G. An improved adaptive memetic differential evolution optimization algorithms for data clustering problems. In PLOS ONE, 14 (5): 1-28, 2019. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Sagir, M.; Hamid, N.H.A. and Kendall, G. A Combined Mathematical Modeling and Analytic Hierarchy Process Approach for Sports Scheduling Problems. In Journal of Industrial Engineering, 30 (2): 111-122, 2019. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Gunawan, A.; Ng, K. M.; Kendall, G. and Lai, J. An iterated local search algorithm for the team orienteering problem with variable profits. In Engineering Optimization, 50 (7): 1148-1163, 2018. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Kendall, G. Is Evolutionary Computing Evolving Fast Enough?. In IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 13 (2): 42-51, 2018. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Kendall, G. Did a roulette system "break the bank". In Significance, 15 (6): 26-29, 2018. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Li, J.; John, R.; Coupland, S. and Kendall, G. On Nie-Tan operator and type-reduction of interval type-2 fuzzy sets. In IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26 (2): 1036-1039, 2018. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Zain, M.Z.M.; Kanesan, J.; Chuah, J.H.; Dhanapal, S. and Kendall, G. A multi-objective particle swarm optimization algorithm based ondynamic boundary search for constrained optimization. In Applied Soft Computing, 70: 680-700, 2018. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Zain, M.Z.M; Kanesan, J.; Kendall, G. and Chuah, J. H. Optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes using the Backtracking Search Algorithm. In Expert Systems with Applications, 91: 286-297, 2018. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Angiz, M.L.Z.; Nawawi, M.K.M.; Khalid, R.; Mustafa, A.; Emrouznejad, A. et al. Evaluating decision-making units under uncertainty using fuzzy multi-objective nonlinear programming. In INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 55 (1): 1-15, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Goh, B.K.B.; Yee, A.S.V.; Kendall, G. and Chong, A.L. Industrial R&D Expenditure: Its Determinants and Propensity of Technology Transfer of Top Ten Companies in Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan. In Asian Journal of Innovation and Policy, 6 (3): 354-378, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Goh, S. L.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N. R. Improved local search approaches to solve the post enrolment course timetabling problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 261 (1): 17-29, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kendall, G. and Lenten, L. J. A. When Sports Rules Go Awry. In European Journal of Operational Research, 257 (2): 377-394, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G.; Yee, A. and Hardy, S. We should be just a number, and we should embrace it. In The Electronic Library, 35 (2): 348-357, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Li, J. and Kendall, G. A hyper-heuristic methodology to generate adaptive strategies for games. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 9 (1): 1-10, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Mohamad, A.; Zainuddin, Y.; Alam, N. and Kendall, G. Does decentralized decision making increase company performance through its Information Technology infrastructure investment?. In International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, 27: 1-15, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Rahman, R.A.; Kendall, G.; Ramli, R.; Jamari, Z. and Ku-Mahamud, K.R. Shrimp Feed Formulation via Evolutionary Algorithm with Power Heuristics for Handling Constraints. In Complexity, 2017: 7053710, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Xiaoping, J.; Bai, R.; Atkin, J.A.D. and Kendall, G. A scheme for determining vehicle routes based on Arc-based service network design. In INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 55 (1): 16-37, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Zamil, K. Z.; Din, F.; Kendall, G. and Ahmed, B. S. An experimental study of hyper-heuristic selection and acceptance mechanism for combinatorial t -way test suite generation. In Information Sciences, 399: 121-153, 2017. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Dror, M.; Kendall, G. and Rapoport, A. Elicitation of Strategies in Four Variants of a Round-robin Tournament: The case of Goofspiel. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 8 (3): 209-217, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Kendall, G.; Bai, R.; Blazewicz, J.; De Causmaecker, P; Gendreau, M. et al. Good Laboratory Practice for optimization research. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 67 (4): 676-689, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Kendall, G.; Yee, A. and McCollum, B. Is There a Role for Publication Consultants and How Should Their Contribution be Recognized?. In Science and Engineering Ethics, 22 (5): 1553-1560, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Li, J.; Kendall, G. and John, R. Computing Nash Equilibria and Evolutionarily Stable States of Evolutionary Games. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 20 (3): 460-469, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Nseef, S.K.; Abdullah, S.; Turky, A. and Kendall, G. An adaptive multi-population artificial bee colony algorithm for dynamic optimisation problems. In Knowledge-Based Systems, 104: 14-23, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Pandey, H.M.; Chaudhary, A; Mehrotra, D. and Kendall, G. Maintaining regularity and generalization in data using the minimum description length principle and genetic algorithm: Case of grammatical inference. In Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, 31: 11-23, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Soria-Alcaraza, J. A.; Özcan, E.; Swan, J.; Kendall, G. and Carpio, M. Iterated Local Search Using an Add and Delete Hyper-heuristic for University Course Timetabling. In Applied Soft Computing, 40: 581-593, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Zamil, K. Z.; Alkazemi, B. Y. and Kendall, G. A Tabu Search hyper-heuristic strategy for t-way test suite generation. In Applied Soft Computing, 44: 57-74, 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Garg, A.; Shukla, B. and Kendall, G. Barriers to implementation of IT in educational institutions. In The International Journal of Information and Learning Technology, 32 (2): 94-108, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A. P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. Heuristic Space Diversity Control for Improved Meta-Hyper-Heuristic Performance. In Information Sciences, 300: 49-62, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Kahar, M.N.M. and Kendall, G. A great deluge algorithm for a real-world examination timetabling problem. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 66 (1): 116-133, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Li, J. and Kendall, G. On Nash equilibrium and evolutionarily stable states that are not characterised by the folk theorem. In PLoS ONE, 10 (8): e0136032, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Maashi, M.; Kendall, G. and Özcan, E. Choice Function based Hyper-heuristics for Multi-objective Optimization. In Applied Soft Computing, 28: 312-326, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Mujtaba, H.; Kendall, G.; Baig, A.R. and Özcan, E. Detecting change and dealing with uncertainty in imperfect evolutionary environments. In Information Sciences, 302: 33-49, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Qu, R.; Pham, N.; Bai, R. and Kendall, G. Hybridising heuristics within an estimation distribution algorithm for examination timetabling. In Applied Intelligence, 42 (4): 679-693, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Qu, R. A Dynamic Multiarmed Bandit-Gene Expression Programming Hyper-Heuristic for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. In IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 45 (2): 217-228, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Qu, R. Automatic Design of Hyper-heuristic Framework with Gene Expression Programming for Combinatorial Optimization problems. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 19 (3): 309-325, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Sabar, N. R. and Kendall, G. Population based Monte Carlo tree search hyper-heuristic for combinatorial optimization problems. In Information Sciences, 314: 225-239, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  11. Sabar, N. R. and Kendall, G. An Iterated Local Search with Multiple Perturbation Operators and Time Varying Perturbation Steength for the Aircraft Landing Problem. In Omega, 56: 88-98, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  12. Yee, A.; Chong, A. L. and Kendall, G. Managing University-Industry Collaborations in Malaysia by Examining its Critical Success Factors: A Dyadic Approach. In World Review of Business Research, 5 (3): 231-230, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Abuhamdah, A.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Sabar, N.R. Population based Local Search for university course timetabling problems. In Applied Intelligence, 40 (1): 44-53, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bai, R.; Atkin, J. Li.and J.A.D. and Kendall, G. A novel approach to independent taxi scheduling problem based on stable matching. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65 (10): 1501-1510, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Davies, G.J.; Kendall, G.; Soane, E.; Li, J.; Rocks, S.A. et al. Regulators as agents: Modelling personality and power as evidence is brokered to support decisions on environmental risk. In Science of the Total Environment, 466-467: 74-83, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kahar, M.N.M. and Kendall, G. Universiti Malaysia Pahang examination timetabling problem: scheduling invigilators. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65 (2): 214-226, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Li, J. and Kendall, G. The effect of memory size on the evolutionary stability of strategies in iterated prisoner's dilemma. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18 (6): 819-826, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Lwin, K.; Qu, R. and Kendall, G. A learning-guided multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for constrained portfolio optimization. In Applied Soft Computing, 24: 757-772, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Maashi, M.; Özcan, E. and Kendall, G. A Multi-objective Hyper-heuristic based on Choice Function. In Expert Systems with Applications, 41 (9): 4475-4493, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Philips, T.; Li, J. and Kendall, G. The Effects of Extra-Somatic Weapons on the Evolution of Human Cooperation towards Non-Kin. In PLoS ONE, 9 (5): e95742, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Swan, J.; Woodward, J.R.; Özcan, E.; Kendall, G. and Burke, E.K. Searching the Hyper-heuristic Design Space. In Cognitive Computation, 6 (1): 66-73, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Xing, H.; Qu, R.; Kendall, G. and Bai, R. A path-oriented encoding evolutionary algorithm for network coding resource minimization. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 65 (8): 1261-1277, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Bai, R.; Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G. and van Woensel, T. A New Model and a Hyper-heuristic Approach for Two-dimensional Shelf Space Allocation. In 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 11 (1): 31-55, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Blazewicz, J.; Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G.; Mruczkiewicz, W.; Öguz, C. et al. A hyper-heuristic approach to sequencing by hybridization of DNA sequences. In Annals of Operations Research, 207 (1): 27-41, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K.; Gendreau, M.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G.; Ochoa, G. et al. Hyper-heuristics: a survey of the state of the art. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64 (12): 1695-1724, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Dror, M. and Kendall, G. Repeated Goofspiel: A Game of Pure Strategy. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 5 (4): 312-324, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Hyde, M. R.; Burke, E. K. and Kendall, G. Automated code generation by local search. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64 (12): 1725-1741, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kendall, G. and Li, J. Competitive travelling salesmen problem: A hyper-heuristic approach. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 64 (2): 208-216, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Li, J. and Kendall, G. Evolutionary Stability of Discriminating Behaviors With the Presence of Kin Cheaters. In IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 43 (6): 2044-2053, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Li, J.; Kendall, G. and Vasilakos, A. V. Backward Induction and Repeated Games With Strategy Constraints: An Inspiration From the Surprise Exam Paradox. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 5 (3): 242-250, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Qu, R. Grammatical Evolution Hyper-Heuristic for Combinatorial Optimization Problems. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 17 (6): 840-861, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Al-Khateeb, B. and Kendall, G. Introducing Individual and Social Learning Into Evolutionary Checkers. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 4 (4): 258-269, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Al-Khateeb, B. and Kendall, G. Effect of Look-Ahead Depth in Evolutionary Checkers. In Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 27 (5): 996-1006, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Bai, R.; Blazewicz, J.; Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G. and McCollum, B. A Simulated Annealing Hyper-heuristic Methodology for Flexible Decision Support. In 4OR - A Quarterly Journal of Operations Research, 10 (1): 43-66, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Bai, R.; Kendall, G.; Qu, R. and Atkin, J.A.D. Tabu assisted guided local search approaches for freight service network design. In Information Sciences, 189: 266-281, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G. and Woodward, J.R. Automating the Packing Heuristic Design Process with Genetic Programming. In Evolutionary Computation, 20 (1): 63-89, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Burke, E. K.; Hyde, M. R. and Kendall, G. Grammatical Evolution of Local Search Heuristics. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 16 (3): 406-417, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Burke, E. K.; Kendall, G.; Misir, M. and Özcan, E. Monte Carlo hyper-heuristics for examination timetabling. In Annals of Operations Research, 196 (1): 73-90, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Cruz, F. R. B.; Kendall, G.; While, L.; Duarte, A. R. and Brito, N. L. C. Throughput Maximization of Queueing Networks with Simultaneous Minimization of Service Rates and Buffers. In Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Kendall, G. Journals Rankings: Buyer Beware. In Ergon: Bulletin for the UM Academic Community, 4 (2): 2-4, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Li, J.; Davies, G.J.; Kendall, G.; Soane, E.; Bai, R. et al. Evidence and belief in regulatory decisions Incorporating expected utility into decision modelling. In Expert Systems with Applications, 39 (10): 8604-8610, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  11. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M.; Kendall, G. and Qu, R. A honey-bee mating optimization algorithm for educational timetabling problems. In European Journal of Operational Research, 216 (3): 533-543, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  12. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M.; Qu, R. and Kendall, G. A Graph Coloring Constructive Hyper-Heuristic for Examination Timetabling Problems. In Applied Intelligence, 37 (1): 1-11, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  13. Swan, J.; Ochoa, G.; Kendall, G. and Edjvet, M. Fitness Landscapes and the Andrews-Curtis Conjecture. In International Journal of Algebra and Computation, 22 (2), 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Allen, S.D.; Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. A hybrid placement strategy for the three-dimensional strip packing problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 209 (3): 219-227, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bak, S.; Blazewicz, J.; Pawlak, G.; Plaza, M.; Burke, E.K. et al. A Parallel Branch-and-Bound Approach to the Rectangular Guillotine Strip Cutting Problem. In INFORMS Journal on Computing, 23 (1): 15-25, 2011. Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M.R. and Kendall, G. A Squeaky Wheel Optimisation Methodology for Two Dimensional Strip Packing. In Computers & Operations Research, 38 (7): 1035-1044, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Li, J.; Hingston, P. and Kendall, G. Engineering Design of Strategies for Winning Iterated Prisoner s Dilemma Competitions. In IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games, 3 (4): 348-360, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Bai, R.; Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G.; Li, J. and McCollum, B. A Hybrid Evolutionary Approach to the Nurse Rostering Problem. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (4): 580-590, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Binner, J.M.; Tino, P.; Tepper, J.; Anderson, R.; Jones, B. et al. Does money matter in inflation forecasting?. In Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 389 (21): 4793-4808, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K.; Hellier, R.; Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. Irregular Packing using the Line and Arc No-Fit Polygon. In Operations Research, 58 (4): 948-970, 2010. Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G. and Woodward, J.R. A Genetic Programming Hyper-Heuristic Approach for Evolving 2-D Strip Packing Heuristics. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 14 (6): 942-958, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Davies, G.J.; Kendall, G.; Soane, E.; Li, J.; Charnley, F. et al. Regulators as 'agents': power and personality in risk regulation and a role for agent-based simulation. In Journal of Risk Research, 13 (8): 961-982, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kahar, M.N.M. and Kendall, G. The examination timetabling problem at Universiti Malaysia Pahang: Comparison of a constructive heuristic with an existing software solution. In European Journal of Operational Research, 207 (2): 557-565, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Kendall, G.; Knust, S.; Ribeiro, C. C. and Urrutia, S. Scheduling in sports: An annotated bibliography. In Computers & Operations Research, 37 (1): 1-19, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Li, J. and Kendall, G. Collective Behavior and Kin Selection in Evolutionary IPD. In Journal of Multiple-Valued Logic and Soft Computing, 16 (6): 509-525, 2010. Abstract BibTeX
  9. Yang, S.; Wang, D.; Chai, T. and Kendall, G. An improved constraint satisfaction adaptive neural network for job-shop scheduling. In Journal of Scheduling, 13 (1): 17-38, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. The optimisation of the single surface mount device placement machine in printed circuit board assembly: a survey. In International Journal of Systems Science, 40 (6): 553-569, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Barteczko-Hibbert, C.; Gillott, M. and Kendall, G. An artificial neural network for predicting domestic hot water characteristics. In International Journal of Low-Carbon Technologies, 4 (2): 112-119, 2009. Abstract BibTeX
  3. Binner, J.M.; Gazely, A.M. and Kendall, G. An evaluation of UK risky money: an artificial intelligence approach. In Global Business and Economics Review, 11 (1): 1-18, 2009. Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. A Simulated Annealing Enhancement of the Best-Fit Heuristic for the Orthogonal Stock-Cutting Problem. In INFORMS Journal on Computing, 21 (3): 505-516, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Li, J. and Kendall, G. A Strategy with Novel Evolutionary Features for the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. In Evolutionary Computation, 17 (2): 257-274, 2009. Abstract BibTeX
  6. Li, J.; Pollard, S.J.T.; Kendall, G.; Soane, E. and Davies, G.J. Optimising risk reduction: An expected utility approach for marginal risk reduction during regulatory decision making. In Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 94 (11): 1729-1734, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A survey of surface mount device placement machine optimisation: Machine classification. In European Journal of Operational Research, 186 (3): 893-914, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bai, R.; Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Heuristic, meta-heuristic and hyper-heuristic approaches for fresh produce inventory control and shelf space allocation. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (10): 1387-1397, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Bai, R. and Kendall, G. A Model for Fresh Produce Shelf-Space Allocation and Inventory Management with Freshness-Condition-Dependent Demand. In INFORMS Journal on Computing, 20 (1): 78-85, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Binner, J.M.; Gazely, A.M. and Kendall, G. Evaluating the performance of a EuroDivisia index using artificial intelligence techniques. In International Journal of Automation and Computing, 5 (1): 58-62, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G. Scheduling English football fixtures over holiday periods. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 59 (6): 743-755, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kendall, G.; Parkes, A.J. and Spoerer, K. A Survey of NP-Complete Puzzles. In International Computer Games Association Journal, 31 (1): 13-34, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Oates, R.; Kendall, G. and Garibaldi, J.M. Frequency analysis for dendritic cell population tuning. In Evolutionary Intelligence, 1 (2): 145-157, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Petrovic, S.; Fayad, C.; Petrovic, D.; Burke, E. K. and Kendall, G. Fuzzy job shop scheduling with lot-sizing. In Annals of Operations Research, 159 (1): 275-292, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hellier, R.; Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. Complete and robust no-fit polygon generation for the irregular stock cutting problem. In European Journal of Operational Research, 179 (1): 27-49, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Dowsland, K.A.; Gilbert, M. and Kendall, G. A local search approach to a circle cutting problem arising in the motor cycle industry. In Journal of the Operational Research Society, 58 (4): 429-438, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Kendall, G. and Su, Y. Imperfect Evolutionary Systems. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 11 (3): 294-307, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Terrazas, G.; Siepmann, P.; Kendall, G. and Krasnogor, N. An Evolutionary Methodology for the Automated Design of Cellular Automaton-based Complex Systems. In Journal of Cellular Automata, 2 (1): 77-102, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hellier, R.; Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. A New Bottom-left-Fill Heuristic Algorithm for the 2D Irregular Packing Problem. In Operations Research, 54 (3): 587-601, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Dowsland, K. A.; Herbert, E.A.; Kendall, G. and Burke, E.K. Using tree search bounds to enhance a genetic algorithm approach to two rectangle packing problems. In European Journal of Operational Research, 168 (2): 390-402, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Lucas, S.M. and Kendall, G. Evolutionary Computation and Games (Invited Review). In IEEE Computational Intelligence Magazine, 1 (1): 10-18, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A triple objective function with a Chebychev dynamic pick-and-place point specification approach to optimise the surface mount placement machine. In European Journal of Operational Research, 164 (3): 609-626, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Binner, J.M.; Kendall, G. and Gazely, A.M. Evolving Neural Networks with Evolutionary Strategies: A New Application to Divisa Money. In Advances in Econometrics, 19: 127-143, 2004. BibTeX
  2. Burke, E.K.; Gustafson, S. and Kendall, G. Diversity in Genetic Programming: An Analysis of Measures and Correlation with Fitness. In IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 8 (1): 47-62, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. A New Placement Heuristic for the Orthogonal Stock-Cutting Problem. In Operations Research, 52 (4): 655-671, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Gustafson, S.; Ekart, A.; Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Problem Difficulty and Code Growth in Genetic Programming. In Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, 5 (3): 271-290, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E. K.; Kendall, G. and Soubeiga, E. A Tabu-Search Hyperheuristic for Timetabling and Rostering. In Journal of Heuristics, 9 (6): 451-470, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ward, C.R.; Gobet, F. and Kendall, G. Evolving Collective Behavior in an Artificial Ecology. In Artificial Life, 7 (2): 191-209, 2001. Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Comparison of meta-heuristic algorithms for clustering rectangles. In Computers and Industrial Engineering, 37 (1-2): 383-386, 1999. pdf  Abstract BibTeX

Book chapters


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M.R.; Kendall, G.; Ochoa, G.O.; Ozcan, E. et al. A Classification of Hyper-Heuristic Approaches: Revisited. In Handbook of Metaheuristics, pages 453-477, Springer, 2019. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Chapter 1: Introduction. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Kendall, G. Evolutionary Computation in the Real World: Successes and Challenges. In Meta-heuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers, Selected Papers from the 5th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003), pages 5-5, Springer, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Sastry, K.; Goldberg, D. and Kendall, G. Chapter 4: Genetic Algorithms. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Kendall, G. and Westphal, S. Sports Scheduling: Minimizing Travel for English Football Supporters. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Congdon, C. B.; Hingston, P. and Kendall, G. Artificial and Computational Intelligence for Games on Mobile Platforms. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Levine, J.; Congdon, C. B.; Ebner, M.; Kendall, G.; Lucas, S.M. et al. General Video Game Playing. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Munoz-Avila, H.; Bauckhage, C.; Bida, M.; Congdon, C. B. and Kendall, G. Learning and Game AI. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Kendall, G. and Burke, E.K. Hyper-heuristics. In Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science, Wiley, 2011. Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G.; Ochoa, G.; Özcan, E. et al. A Classification of Hyper-heuristic Approaches. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G.; Ochoa, G.; Özcan, E. et al. Exploring hyper-heuristic methodologies with genetic programming. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Chong, S. Y.; Humble, J.; Kendall, G.; Li, J. and Yao, X. Chapter 1: The Iterated Prisoners' Dilemma: 20 Years On. pdf  www  BibTeX
  2. Chong, S. Y.; Humble, J.; Kendall, G.; Li, J. and Yao, X. Chapter 2: Iterated prisoner's dilemma and evolutionary game theory. pdf  www  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Chong, S. Y.; Humble, J.; Kendall, G.; Li, J. and Yao, X. Chapter 3: Learning IPD Strategies through Coevolution. pdf  www  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Hingston, P.; Dyer, D.; Barone, L.; French, T. and Kendall, G. Chapter 7: Opponent Modelling, Evolution, and the Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. www  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Bai, R. and Kendall, G. Chapter 4: An Investigation of Automated Planograms Using a Simulated Annealing Based Hyper-Heuristic. In Meta-heuristics: Progress as Real Problem Solvers, Selected Papers from the 5th Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003), pages 87-108, Springer, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bian, F.; Burke, E.K.; Jain, S.; Kendall, G.; Koole, G.M. et al. Measuring the Robustness of Airline Fleet Schedules. In Selected papers from MISTA 2003, pages 381-392, Springer, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Chapter 1: Introduction. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kendall, G. and Hussin, N. M An Investigation of a Tabu Search Based Hyper-Heuristic for Examination Timetabling. In Selected papers from MISTA 2003, pages 309-328, Springer, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Sastry, K.; Goldberg, D. and Kendall, G. Chapter 4: Genetic Algorithms. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hart, E.; Kendall, G.; Newall, J.; Ross, P. et al. Hyper-Heuristics: An Emerging Direction in Modern Search Technology. pdf  doi  www  Abstract BibTeX

In Proceedings


  1. Chen, J.; Bai, R.; Dong, H.; Qu, R. and Kendall, G. A dynamic truck dispatching problem in marine container terminal. In Proceedings of the 2016 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Babadi, A.; Omoomi, B. and Kendall, G. EnHiC: An enforced hill climbing based system for general game playing. In Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG), pages 193-199, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Sabar, N.R.; Chong, S.Y. and Kendall, G. A Hybrid Differential Evolution Algorithm - Game Theory for the Berth Allocation Problem. In Proceedings of the 18th Asia Pacific Symposium on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems, pages 77-87, 2015. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A.P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. Heuristic Space Diversity Management in a Meta-Hyper-Heuristic Framework. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014), pages 1863-1869, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A.P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. The Entity-to-Algorithm Allocation Problem: Extending the Analysis. In Proceedings of the 2014 Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (IEEE SSCI 2014), 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. An Exponential Monte-Carlo Local Search Algorithm for the Berth Allocation Problem. In Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2014), pages 544-548, 2014. pdf  BibTeX
  4. Sabar, N. R. and Kendall, G. Aircraft Landing Problem using Hybrid Differential Evolution and Simple Descent Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014), pages 520-527, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Sabar, N. R. and Kendall, G. Using Harmony Search with Multiple Pitch Adjustment Operators for the Portfolio Selection Problem. In Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2014), pages 499-503, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. While, L. and Kendall, G. Scheduling the English Football League with a Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2014), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume 8672, pages 842-851, Slovenia, 2014. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Chen, J.; Bai, R.; Qu, R. and Kendall, G. A task based approach for a real-world commodity routing problem. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence In Production And Logistics Systems (CIPLS), pages 1-8, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A.P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. Multi-method algorithms: Investigating the entity-to-algorithm allocation problem. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pages 570-577, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Hingston, P.; Congdon, C.B. and Kendall, G. Mobile Games with Intelligence: a Killer Application?. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Conference on Evolutionary Computation and Games (CIG), pages 438-444, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kirke, T.; While, L. and Kendall, G. Multi-drop container loading using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), pages 165-172, 2013. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A. P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. Investigating the Use of Local Search for Improving Meta-Hyper-Heuristic Performance. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 3277-3284, 2012. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Al-Khateeb, B. and Kendall, G. The Importance of Look-Ahead Depth in Evolutionary Checkers. In Proceedings of the 2011 Congress of Evolutionary Computation, 2011 (CEC 2011), pages 2252-2258, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Al-Khateeb, B. and Kendall, G. Introducing a Round Robin Tournament into Evolutionary Individual and Social Learning Checkers. In Proceedings of the Developments in E-systems Engineering (DeSE), pages 294-299, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Bai, R.; Li, J.; Atkin, J.A.D. and Kendall, G. A Game Theoretic Approach for Taxi Scheduling Problem with Street Hailing. In Proceedings of the 5th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications, pages 161-172, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K.; Gendreau, M.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G.; McCollum, B. et al. The Cross-domain Heuristic Search Challenge - An International Research Competition. In Proceedings of Learning and Intelligent Optmization (LION5), pages 631-634, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6683, 2011. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Burke, E.K.; Guo, Q. and Kendall, G. A Hyper-Heuristic Approach to Strip Packing Problems. In Proceedings of Problem Parallel Solving from Nature (PPSN XI), Sep 2010, pages 465-474, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6238, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Gibbs, J.; Kendall, G. and Özcan, E. Scheduling English Football Fixtures over the Holiday Period Using Hyper-heuristics. In Proceedings of Problem Parallel Solving from Nature (PPSN XI), Sep 2010, pages 496-505, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6238, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A. P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. Investigating the impact of alternative evolutionary selection strategies on multi-method global optimization. In Proceedings of the 2011 Congress of Evolutionary Computation, 2011 (CEC 2011), pages 2337-2344, 2011. pdf  BibTeX
  8. Landa-Silva, D.; Wang, Y.; Donovan, P. and Kendall, G. Hybrid Heuristic for Multi-carrier Transportation Plans. In Proceedings of The Ninth Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2011), pages S1-23 1-S1-23 9, Udine, Italy, 2011. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Swan, J.; Özcan, E. and Kendall, G. Hyperion - A recursive hyperheuristic framework. In Proceedings of Learning and Intelligent Optmization (LION5), pages 610-630, Lectures Notes in Computer Science 6683, 2011. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Al-Khateeb, B. and Kendall, G. The importance of a piece difference feature to Blondie24. In Proceedings of the 2010 UK Workshop on Computational Intelligence (UKCI), pages 1-6, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bai, R.; Kendall, G. and Li, J. An efficient guided local search approach for service network design problem with asset balancing. In In proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, pages 110-115, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Bell, N.; Fang, X.; Hughes, R.; Kendall, G.; O'Reilly, E. et al. Ghost direction detection and other innovations for Ms. Pac-Man. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG'10), pages 465-472, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K.; Curtois, T.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G.; Ochoa, G. et al. Iterated Local Search vs. Hyper-heuristics: Towards General-Purpose Search Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), pages 3073-3080, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M.R. and Kendall, G. Providing a memory mechanism to enhance the evolutionary design of heuristics. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), pages 3883-3890, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Grobler, J.; Engelbrecht, A.P.; Kendall, G. and Yadavalli, V.S.S. Alternative hyper-heuristic strategies for multi-method global optimization. In Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2010), pages 826-833, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Kendall, G.; McCollum, B.; Cruz, F. R. B. and McMullan, P. Scheduling English Football Fixtures: Consideration of Two Conflicting Objectives. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2010), pages 1-15, 11-13 August 2010, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Li, J. and Kendall, G. Finite iterated prisoner's dilemma revisited: belief change and end-game effect. In Proceedings of the Behavioral and Quantitative Game Theory: Conference on Future Directions (BOGT'10), pages 1-5, ACM New York, NY, USA, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Li, J.; Kendall, G.; Pollard, S.J.T.; Soane, E.; Davies, G.J. et al. A decision support approach for group decision making under risk and uncertainty. In In proceedings of the 2010 International Conference on Logistics Systems and Intelligent Management, pages 1856-1860, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Moody, D.; Kendall, G. and Bar-Noy, A. An efficient and robust approach to generate high quality solutions for the Traveling Tournament Problem. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2010), pages 273-282, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  11. Moody, D.; Kendall, G. and Bar-Noy, A. Youth Sports Leagues Scheduling. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2010), pages 283-293, 11-13 August 2010, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK, 2010. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Al-Khateeb, B. and Kendall, G. Introducing a round robin tournament into Blondie24. In Proceedings of Computational Intelligence and Games, 2009 (CIG 2009), pages 112-116, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Allen, S.D.; Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M. R. and Kendall, G. Evolving Reusable 3D Packing Heuristics with Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO 2009), pages 931-938, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K.; Curtois, T.; Kendall, G.; Hyde, M. R.; Ochoa, G. et al. Towards the 'Decathlon 'Challenge' of search heuristics. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009): Late Breaking Papers, pages 2205-2208, Montreal, Canada. 8-12 July, 2009. Abstract BibTeX
  4. Hyde, M. R.; Burke, E. K. and Kendall, G. Evolving human-competitive reusable 2D strip packing heuristics. In Proceedings of the 11th Annual Conference Companion on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO 2009): Late Breaking Papers, pages 2189-2191, Montreal, Canada. 8-12 July, 2009. Abstract BibTeX
  5. Ibrahim, Z.; Isa, D.; Rajkumar, R. and Kendall, G. Document Zone Classification for Technical Document Images Using Artificial Neural Network and Support Vector Machines. In Second International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies, pages 345-350, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Oates, R.; Milford, M.; Wyeth, G.; Kendall, G. and Garibaldi, J.M. The implementation of a novel, bio-inspired, robotic security system. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), pages 1875-1880, 2009. pdf  BibTeX
  7. Qu, R.; Xu, Y. and Kendall, G. A Variable Neighborhood Descent Search Algorithm for Delay-Constrained Least-Cost Multicast Routing. In Proceedings of Learning and Intelligent Optimization: Designing, Implementing and Analyzing Effective Heuristics (LION 3), pages 15-29, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5851, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Sabar, N.R.; Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. Tabu Exponential Monte-Carlo with Counter Heuristic for Examination Timetabling. In Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 2009 (CISched 2009), pages 90-94, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Sabar, N. R.; Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. Solving Examination Timetabling Problems using Honey-bee Mating Optimization (ETP-HBMO). In Proceedings of the 4th Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2009), pages 399-408, Dublin, Ireland, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Yaakob, R. and Kendall, G. An Integration of BP-Pool and Social Learning in the Opening of Go. In Proceedings of 2009 WRI World Congress on Computer Science and Information Engineering, pages 636-640, 2009. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Binner, J.M.; Chen, Q-B. and Kendall, G. Evolving Weights for a new UK Divisia. In In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Economics and Finance, pages 179-185, Kainan University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G.; Misir, M. and Özcan, E. A Study of Simulated Annealing Hyperheuristics. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Hamid, N. A. and Kendall, G. Maximising Stadium Attendance: A Case Study of Malaysian Football. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kendall, G. and Li, J. Combining Examinations to Accelerate Timetable Construction. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G.; While, L.; McCollum, B. and Cruz, F. R. B. A Multiobjective Approach for UK Football Scheduling. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. McCollum, B.; McMullan, P.; Burke, E.K.; Gough, A. and Kendall, G. Academic Timetabling: Linking Research and Practice. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. McMullan, P.; McCollum, B. and Kendall, G. Scheduling TV Commercials: Models and Solution Methodologies. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Moody, D.; Kendall, G. and Bar-Noy, A. Constructing Initial Neighbourhoods to Identify Critical Constraints. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 18-22 August 2008, Montreal, Canada, 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Oates, R.; Kendall, G. and Garibaldi, J. M. The Limitations of Frequency Analysis for Dendritic Cell Population Modelling. In Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2008), pages 328-339, 10-13 August 2008, Phuket, Thailand, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5132, 2008. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Ryckbosch, F.; Vanden Berghe, G and Kendall, G. A Heuristic Approach for the Travelling Tournament Problem using Optimal Travelling Salesman Tours. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2008), 2008. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M.; Malik, M.M.A; Abdllah, S.; Hamdan, A.R.; Kendall, G. et al. Solving a Practical Examination Timetabling Problem: A Case Study. In Proceedings of Computational Science and Its Applictaions (ICCSA 2007), pages 611-624, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4707, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Bai, R.; Burke, E.K.; Gendreau, M.; Kendall, G. and McCollum, B. Memory Length in Hyper-heuristics: An Empirical Study. In Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CISched2007), pages 173-178, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Binner, J.M.; Chen, Q-B. and Kendall, G. Studying the Effect that a Linear Transformation has on the Time-Series Prediction Ability of an Evolutionary Neural Network. In Proceedings of the 10th Joint Conference on Information Sciences, pages 592-600, 2007. Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M.R.; Kendall, G. and Woodward, J.R. Automatic Heuristic Generation with Genetic Programming: Evolving a Jack-of-all-Trades or a Master of One. In Proceedings of the 9th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation (GECCO 20077, pages 1559-1565, London, UK, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Burke, E. K.; Hyde, M. R.; Kendall, G. and Woodward, J.R. The Scalability of Evolved On Line Bin Packing Heuristics. In Proceedings of Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pages 2530-2537, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Chen, P-C.; Kendall, G. and Vanden Berghe, G An Ant Based Hyper-heuristic for the Travelling Tournament Problem. In Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Symposium of Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CISched 2007), pages 19-26, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Moody, D.; Bar-Noy, A. and Kendall, G. Construction of Initial Neighborhoods for a Course Scheduling Problem Using Tiling. In Proceedings of 2007 IEEE Symposium of Computational Intelligence in Scheduling (CISched 2007), pages 187-191, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Oates, R.; Greensmith, J.; Aickelin, U.; Garibaldi, J.M. and Kendall, G. The Application of a Dendritic Cell Algorithm to a Robotic Classifier. In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2007), pages 204-215, Springer, 26-29 August 2007, Santos, Brazil, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4628, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Terrazas, G.; Gheorghe, M.; Kendall, G. and Krasnogor, N. Evolving Tiles for Automated Self-Assembly Design. In Proceedings of the IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2007), pages 2001-2008, Swissotel The Stamford, Singapore, 2007. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K.; Hyde, M.R. and Kendall, G. Evolving Bin Packing Heuristics with Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2006), pages 860-869, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4193, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Hallam, N.; Kendall, G. and Blanchfield, P. Solving Multi-objective Optimisation Problems Using the Potential Pareto Regions Evolutionary Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN 2006), pages 503-512, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4193, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Nasreddine, H.; Poh, H.S. and Kendall, G. Using an Evolutionary Algorithm for the Tuning of a Chess Evaluation Function Based on a Dynamic Boundary Strategy. In Proceedinsg of the 2006 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2006), pages 1-6, 2006. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Binner, J.M.; Gazely, A.M. and Kendall, G. Evaluating the performance of a EuroDivisia index using artificial intelligence techniques. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Information Systems (JCIS 2005), pages 871-874, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Burke, E.K.; Kendall, G.; Landa-Silva, D.; O'Brien, R.F.J. and Soubeiga, E. An ant algorithm hyperheuristic for the project presentation scheduling problem. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2263-2270, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Hallam, N.; Blanchfield, P. and Kendall, G. Handling diversity in evolutionary multiobjective optimization. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 2233-2240, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Hingston, P. and Kendall, G. Ant Colonies Discover Knight's Tours. In Proceedings of Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 17th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'04), pages 1213-1218, Cairns, Australia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3339, 2005. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Hingston, P. and Kendall, G. Enumerating knight's tours using an ant colony algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 1003-1010, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kendall, G. and Hussin, N. M. A Tabu Search Hyper-heuristic Approach to the Examination Timetabling Problem at the MARA University of Technology. In Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling V, pages 270-293, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3616, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Su, Y. and Kendall, G. A Particle Swarm Optimisation Approach in the Construction of Optimal Risky Portfolios. In Proceedings of the 23rd IASTED International Multi-Conference Artificial Intelligence and Applications, pages 140-145, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Terrazas, G.; Krasnogor, N.; Kendall, G. and Gheorghe, M. Automated tile design for self-assembly conformations. In Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, pages 1808-1814, 2005. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A nozzle selection heuristic to optimise the hybrid pick and place machine. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems, pages 1259-1264, Singapore, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Gustafson, S.; Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Sampling of Unique Structures and Behaviours in Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the 7th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EUROGP 2004), pages 279-288, Springer, Coimbra, Portugal, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3003, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Han, L.; Kendall, G. and Cowling, P. An Adaptive Length Chromosome Hyperheuristic Genetic Algorithm for a Trainer Scheduling Problem. In Recent Advances in Simulated Evolution and Learning, pages 506-525, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Hingston, P. and Kendall, G. Learning versus Evolution in Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'04), pages 364-372, Portland, Oregon, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G. and Hussin, N. M. Tabu Search Hyper-Heuristic Approach to the Examination Timetabling Problem at University Technology MARA. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT), pages 199-217, Pittsburgh, USA, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kendall, G. and Mohamad, M. Channel assignment in cellular communication using a great deluge hyper-heuristic. In Proceedings of the 12th IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2004), pages 769-773, Singapore, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Kendall, G. and Mohamad, M. Channel Assignment Optimisation Using a Hyper-Heuristic. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2004), pages 790-795, Singapore, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Kendall, G. and Mohamad, M. Solving the Fixed Channel Assignment Problem in Cellular Communications Using An Adaptive Local Search. In Proceedings of the 5th international conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2004), pages 219-231, Pittsburgh, USA, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Kendall, G. and Hussin, N. M. A Tabu Search Hyper-heuristic Approach to the Examination Timetabling Problem at the MARA University of Technology. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling, pages 199-217, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Kendall, G. and Spoerer, K. Scripting the Game of Lemmings with a Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'04), pages 117-124, Portland, Oregon, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  11. Kendall, G. and Su, Y. Learning with imperfections - a multi-agent neural-genetic trading system with differing levels of social learning. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems (CIS 2004), pages 47-52, Singapore, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  12. Kendall, G.; Yaakob, R. and Hingston, P. An Investigation of an Evolutionary Approach to the Opening of Go. In Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC'04), pages 2052-2059, Portland, Oregon, 2004. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A Monte Carlo Hyper-Heuristic To Optimise Component Placement Sequencing For Multi Head Placement Machine. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (InTech'03), pages 132-141, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. An Investigation of an Adaptive Scheduling for Multi Headed Placement Machines Using a Greedy Search. In Proceedings of the 1st Multidisciplinary International Conference on Scheduling: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2003), pages 363-380, Nottingham, UK, 2003. BibTeX
  3. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. Real-time Scheduling for Multi Headed Placement Machine. In Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Assembly and Task Planning (ISATP2003) (ISATP 2003), pages 128-133, Besancom, France, 9-11 July 2003, 2003. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Bai, R. and Kendall, G. An Investigation of Automated Planograms Using a Simulated Annealing Based Hyper-heuristics. In Proceedings of The Fifth Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003), pages 03-1-03-7, Kyoto International Conference Hall, Kyoto, Japan, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Bian, F.; Burke, E.K.; Jain, S.; Kendall, G.; Koole, G.M. et al. Making Airline Schedules More Robust. In Proceedings of the 1st Multi-disciplinary International Scheduling Conference: Theory and Applications (MISTA 2003), pages 67-693, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Burke, E.K.; Gustafson, S.; Kendall, G. and Krasnogor, N. Is increased diversity in genetic programming beneficial? An analysis of lineage selection. In Proceedings of the The IEEE 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), pages 1398-1405, Canberra, Australia, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Burke, E. K.; Kendall, G.; O'Brien, R. F. J.; Redrup, D. and Soubeiga, E. An Ant-Algorithm Hyper-heuristic. In Proceedings of The Fifth Metaheuristics International Conference (MIC 2003), pages 10-1-10-10, Kyoto, Japan, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Han, L. and Kendall, G. Guided Operators for a Hyper-Heuristic Genetic Algorithm. In Proceedings of AI 2003: Advances in Artificial Intelligence 16th Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pages 807-820, Perth, Australia, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2903, 2003. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Han, L. and Kendall, G. An investigation of a tabu assisted hyper-heuristic genetic algorithm. In Proceedings of the The IEEE 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), pages 2230-2237, Canberra, Australia, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Kendall, G. and Smith, C. The evolution of blackjack strategies. In Proceedings of the The IEEE 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), pages 2474-2481, Canberra, Australia, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  11. Kendall, G. and Su, Y. A multi-agent based simulated stock market - testing on different types of stocks. In Proceedings of the The IEEE 2003 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC2003), pages 2298-2305, Canberra, Australia, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  12. Kendall, G. and Su, Y. Co-evolution of Successful Trading Strategies in A Simulated Stock Market. In Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA'03), pages 200-206, 23-24 June 2003, Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2003. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Ayob, M.; Cowling, P. and Kendall, G. Optimisation for Surface Mount Placement Machines. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2002), pages 498-503, Bangkok, December 11-14, 2002. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Ayob, M. and Kendall, G. A New Dynamic Point Specification Approach to Optimise Surface Mount Placement Machine in Printed Circuit Board Assembly. In Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT 2002), pages 486-491, 2002. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Binner, J.M. and Kendall, G. Co-Evolving Neural networks with Evolutionary Strategies: A New Application to Divisia Money. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2002 (IC-AI'02), pages 884-889, CSREA Press, Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, USA, 24-27 June, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K.; Gustafson, S. and Kendall, G. A Puzzle to Challenge Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on Genetic Programming (EURO-GP), pages 136-147, Springer-Verlag, Kinsale, Ireland, 3-4 April, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2278, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. A New Approach to Packing Non-Convex Polygons Using the No Fit Polygon and Meta-Heuristic and Evolutionary Algorithms. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Adapative Computing in Design and Manufacture (ACDM 2002), pages 193-204, Springer-Verlag, University of Exeter, UK, 16-18 April, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Burke, E. K.; Gustafson, S.; Kendall, G. and Krasnogor, N. Advanced Population Diversity Measures in Genetic Progaramming. In Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VII), pages 341-350, Springer, Granada, Spain, 7-11 September, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2439, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Cowling, P.; Kendall, G. and Han, L. An investigation of a hyperheuristic genetic algorithm applied to a trainer scheduling problem. In Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2002), pages 1185-1190, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, 12-17 may, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  8. Cowling, P.; Kendall, G. and Soubeiga, E. Hyperheuristics: A Tool for Rapid Prototyping in Scheduling and Optimisation. In Applications of Evolutionary Computing : Proceedings of Evo Workshops 2002, pages 269-287, Springer-Verlag, Kinsale, Ireland, 3-4 April, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2279, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  9. Cowling, P.; Kendall, G. and Soubeiga, E. Hyperheuristics: A Robust Optimisation Method Applied to Nurse Scheduling. In Proceedings of Parallel Problem Solving from Nature (PPSN VII), pages 851-860, Springer-Verlag, Granada, Spain, 7-11 September, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2439, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  10. Davis, J.E. and Kendall, G. An Investigation, using Co-Evolution, to Evolve an Awari Player. In Proceedings of the 2002 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2002), pages 1408-1413, Hilton Hawaiian Village Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 12-17, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  11. Gustafson, S.; Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. A Survey and Analysis of Diversity Measures in Genetic Programming. In Proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2002 (GECCO 2002), New York, USA, July 9-13, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  12. Kendall, G. and Shaw, S. Investigation of an Adaptive Cribbage Player. In Proceedings of the Computers and Games Third International Conference (CG 2002), pages 29-41, Springer, Edmonton, Canada, Jul 24-27, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2883, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  13. Kendall, G.; Soubeiga, E. and Cowling, P. Choice Function and Random HyperHeuristics. In Proceedings of the 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution And Learning (SEAL 2002), pages 667-671, Orchid Country Club, Singapore, November 18-22, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  14. Petrovic, S.; Kendall, G. and Yang, Y. A Tabu Search Approach for Graph-Structured Case Retrieval. In Proceedings of the STarting Artificial Intelligence Researches Symposium (STAIRS 2002), pages 55-64, IOS Press, Lyon, France, 22-23 July, 2002. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Cowling, P.; Kendall, G. and Soubeiga, E. A Hyperheuristic Approach to Scheduling a Sales Summit. In Selected papers from the 3rd International Conference on the Practice and Theory of Automated Timetabling (PATAT 2001), pages 176-190, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2079, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Cowling, P.; Kendall, G. and Soubeiga, E. A Parameter-Free Hyperheuristic for Scheduling a Sales Summit. In Proceedings of the 4th Metahuristics International Conference (MIC 2001), pages 127-131, 16-20 July 2001, Porto Portugal, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Kendall, G.; Binner, J.M. and Gazely, A.M. Evolutionary Strategies vs. Neural Networks: An Inflation Forecasting Experiment. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'2001), pages 609-615, CSREA Press, 25-28 June 2001, Monte Carlo Resort & Casino, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Kendall, G.; Binner, J.M. and Gazely, A.M. Evolutionary Strategies - A New Macroeconomic Policy Tool?. In Proceedings of the IFAC Symposium on Modeling and Control of Economic Systems (SME 2001), pages 377-382, Elsevier, 6-8 September 2001, Klagenfurt, Austria, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  5. Kendall, G.; Binner, J.M. and Gazely, A.M. Evolutionary Strategies vs. Neural Networks; New Evidence from Taiwan on the Divisia Index Debate. In Proceeding of the 7th International Conference of the Society for Computational Economics, 28-30 June 2001, Yale University, USA, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  6. Kendall, G. and Whitwell, G. An Evolutionary Approach for the Tuning of a Chess Evaluation Function using Population Dynamics. In Proceedings of the 2001 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC 2001), pages 995-1002, IEEE Press, 27-29 May, COEX Center, Seoul, Korea, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  7. Kendall, G. and Willdig, M. An Investigation of an Adaptive Poker player. In Proceedings of the 14th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'01), pages 217-229, Springer-Verlag, Adelaide, Australia, 10-14 December, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2256, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX


  1. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Applying Ant Algorithms and the No Fit Polygon to the Nesting Problem. In Proceedings of the 12th Australian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI'99), pages 453-464, Sydney, Australia, 6-10 December, Lecture Notes in Artifcial Intelligence 1747, 1999. pdf  doi  Abstract BibTeX
  2. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Evaluation of Two Dimensional Bin Packing Problem using the No Fit Polygon. In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Computers and Industrial Engineering, pages 286-291, 15-17 December 1999, Melbourne, Australia, 1999. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  3. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Applying Simulated Annealing and the No Fit Polygon to the Nesting Problem. In Proceedings of the World Manufacturing Congress (WMC '99), pages 70-76, ICSC Academic Press, 27-30 September 1999, Durham, UK, 1999. pdf  Abstract BibTeX
  4. Burke, E.K. and Kendall, G. Applying Evolutionary Algorithms and the No Fit Polygon to the Nesting Problem. In Proceedings of the 1999 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IC-AI'99), pages 51-57, 28 June - 1 July, 1999, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 1999. pdf  Abstract BibTeX

PhD Theses


  1. Kendall, G. Applying Meta-Heuristic Algorithms to the Nesting Problem Utilising The No Fit Polygon. Ph.D. Thesis, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, UK, 2001. pdf  Abstract BibTeX