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A while ago (see here for my Bibtex posts) I commented that I was working on a system where I could take a bibtex file and display that on my web site. The result can be seen here. The system works pretty well in that my web site (at least this part of it) is driven from a bibtex file.

I have also implemented a system where you can freely download my papers, but you have to supply your email address. This is for a number of reasons. Firstly it is useful to know how many of my papers are being downloaded. Secondly, it is interesting to know what papers people are interested in. Thirdly, it might be useful to collect email addresses to let people know about conferences, new publications etc.

Since the system went live, 108 of my papers have been downloaded. Some of downloads were done by me, just testing the system, or making sure newly added papers could be downloaded – but around 100 downloads is pretty good.

In my previous post I said that all I needed to do was keep my bibtex file up to date. Actually, I have a few ideas as to what I want to do with the system. I have started to work on some of those ideas, which I’ll explain in a future blog.

One of the reasons that I want to extend the system, and also make it easier to maintain, is for a research project that I have in mind. If I decide to go ahead with that, I’ll need to do a lot more bibtex manipulation that I do at the moment and anything that I can do to make my life that little bit easier will be well worth the implementation effort that is required.

Whatever I do, I still owe a big debt to Andreas who was good enough to provide the code that I initially used, and still draw on very heavily.


3 Responses

  1. Hi Graham

    Another possibility is to export your references to xml (this can be done in JabRef) and have some xml stylesheets converting it to html on the client side and uploading them to the server using a small script. I use this method on my webpage. That is, each time I have new litt, I update my BibTeX file, save it to xml and run the script.

